Silk River – Final Day – Final Thoughts
Silk River – Final Day – Final Thoughts
After four weeks of travel and years of planning, the Silk River has reached the end of its journey with the closing ceremony today at Kolkata’s Victoria Memorial. It is hard to believe that two years have passed since I first met Ali in a sandwich shop on London’s Kings Cross station and she attempted to sketch out an idea she had had: to link, through the act of walking and the medium of art, the historic rivers of Hooghly and Thames. What drew my attention immediately, as a traveller and a writer, was the instantly recognisable fact that she was on to something with this riverine pairing. Both rivers are famous waterways, the Hooghly being the name for a section of the Ganges, both being conduits in their time for fabulous wealth that flowed from one to the other, and both in some ways forgotten.
Ali was looking at the final parts of old rivers, both in the last stages of their journey to the sea, heavily laden with silt, their banks worked and reworked, their communities often neglected. She spoke particularly about silk and its shared heritage, the weavers of Spitalfields and Murshidabad. She wanted to take silk from the latter and have all those forgotten communities work together to decorate it, and then she would walk that silk, in the form of giant flags, down both rivers. They would learn about each other, they would learn about their own heritage, and in doing so would revive artistic traditions, perhaps even start some new ones.
I left that sandwich shop intrigued, but fairly certain I would hear no more. But I had not reckoned on Ali’s quiet determination, nor how seductive the idea would be to others. Two years later I was catching the Tube to Kew Gardens, a rucksack on my back, wondering what to expect.
Kevin Rushby
Silk River Interactive Scolls
Explore the Silk River Scrolls through the art, images and reflections of the people that made it possible
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