10 Day Count Down – Southend!
How time flies! Yes, it’s day 10 of out 10 day count down which means we’re nearly ready to start! In 10 days time we will begin our last day carrying all 20 scrolls through this thousand-year-old community of fishermen.
We will meet local artists and see Metal’s digital exhibition on ipads as well as be treated to a performance from the Mudlarks Choir, amongst other surprises.
We have been working up to this moment all year and as a culmination of the UK project there will be a parting moment, with a blessing from the Hindu Association, when we send our stories out into the ocean for the scrolls safe passage from London to Kolkata.
This will be very special so reserve your free place today!
Read more, see the route map and book your place here: 24th Sept – Southend
Silk River is a journey of surprises from Kew to Southend, with speakers, music, performances and lots of walking!
The whole UK walking programme can be viewed here: UK Walks
There are still a few places left on the India Walks, for more info go here: India Walks
Special thanks go to Southend Borough Council, their staff and partners for the planning and facilitation of today’s walk.
- The Hindu Association of Southend & District
- The Mudlarks Choir
- The Old Leigh Studios
- Leigh Fishing Community
- Metal
It is hoped that the project will inform those from Southend and further afield of the borough’s varied social history. In particular we are eager to explore the similarities between ourselves and our partner city, Krishnanagar: these include the importance of the creative arts, as well as the fishing trade and food manufacture. Drawing upon various sites of interest we hope to offer an engaging, multifaceted perspective on Southend’s story.