Silk River

Indian Walks Open for Booking

Indian Walks Open for Booking

On August 1, 2017, Posted by , With Comments Off on Indian Walks Open for Booking

We are very excited to announce that the Silk River Indian Walks are now open for enquiries and booking!

Detailed info can be found on the SILK RIVER INDIA WALKS PAGE.

Silk River Indian Walk – A unique journey down the river Hooghly from Murshidabad to Kolkata.

Participate in a unique 12-day International Residency that has been created especially for the Silk River project.

Join a group of contemporary artists, historians, writers and musicians from UK and India, where you will:

  • Engage with local artisans and communities along the way,
  • Participate in curated events comprising of talks, workshops and film screenings,
  • Exchange skills with each other,
  • Have the opportunity to create an artistic response, either individually or collectively.

Traversing the journey together from Azimganj, Murshidabad to Botanic Gardens, Kolkata, on boat, foot and by train, participants will not only find inspiration in the shared heritage and history, but also discover the unique stories that each place offers, providing a rare opportunity to explore and engage with the Silk River artists and participants.

The journey will be full of surprises – every day will reveal more stories!

More detailed info can be found on the SILK RIVER INDIA WALKS PAGE.

To book and for more details:

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